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Cloud Ecosystem

The convergence of Internet technologies, virtualization and large scale data centers has created a powerful new way to deliver Information Technology services, with many companies already putting clouds to work.

Cloud computing represents an entirely new value to organizations of all sizes. It lets businesses access highly scalable and flexible services over the Internet via a usage-based pricing model. It also reduces or eliminates the need to install and run infrastructure or applications in your own data center. This alleviates the burden of acquisition, maintenance, ownership, and support.

Cloud computing is simply a platform where companies use the Internet to access endless hardware, software, and data resources for most of their computing needs. It gives businesses of all sizes the opportunity to grow, compete, and succeed without investing heavily in infrastructure, and is characterized by new, internet-driven economics.

Why should businesses deploy the cloud?

In today’s economic climate, businesses are increasingly looking to leverage technology to align with business operations, improve IT processes and increase profits. Cloud computing can significantly reduce IT costs and complexities while improving workload optimization and service delivery.

The main driver behind cloud computing is basic economics. It significantly lowers up-front capital expenses and allows companies to only pay for what they actually use.  Also, the cloud model dramatically lowers operating expenses over time by increasing standardization, automation and delivering applications and services more efficiently.

Our capabilities

At Lancord, we help IT organizations like yours take full advantage of cloud computing and selecting the right platform for your business services. We’ll help you assess your own in-house data center and platforms from traditional outsourced service providers or cloud service providers.

We stress the importance of evaluating your business objectives and your IT infrastructure to find the right cloud technology and compatible cloud partner to meet your specific needs.

Our goal is to work collaboratively with clients to understand their compute, storage, access and retention requirements and execute the right strategy to meet these needs while extending the life of existing IT, storage and networking assets.

Whether you’re just getting started with your cloud strategy or looking for smart ways to expand current initiatives, we can help in your efforts.

Lancord Cloud Ecosystem Offerings

Cloud Assessment Services

Cloud computing is a paradigm shift in how organizations think about applications and IT services. Lancord applies its cloud computing experience and delivers full-lifecycle services including Strategy, Architecture, Integration, Development, and Education based on best practices that maximize the benefits of cloud computing while avoiding risks. Our cloud computing assessment service will consider such critical factors as:

  • How can cloud computing help your organization?

  • Is cloud computing the right strategy?

  • What are the economic implications of cloud computing?

  • Which candidate applications in your portfolio are best suited for cloud?

  • Is Private cloud the right approach or a Hybrid cloud that ties to a Public cloud the proper roadmap?

  • Can public cloud be leveraged within the safety of the enterprise network?

  • What about cloud migration and cloud interoperability issues?

  • How to simplify management across integrated physical, virtual and cloud environments?

  • What security and privacy issues need to be considered for compliancy purposes?

  • When is the right time to move and how much will it cost?

For qualifying companies, we offer a complimentary 1 day cloud assessment service that will examine all aspects of cloud readiness and provides answers to develop the proper on-boarding roadmap.  

Cloud Strategy and Planning

Migrating to a secure virtual IT environment takes time, careful preparation, and strong leadership. We serve as trusted advisors in areas encompassing application management, transition planning, cloud policy consulting, data strategies, security, and other related service areas such as Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) for compute cycle and storage capacity, Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS). To ensure a fundamentally sound roadmap to cloud adoption, we work closely with our clients to leverage and identify all available technologies in the Public Cloud, Private Cloud or a Hybrid model that blends existing on-premises and cloud computing.

Cloud Application Development

Today, owning and managing an entire infrastructure and middleware stack to build a custom application is both an expensive proposition and a difficult environment to support. With the advent of cloud platforms and standard APIs including Open Source, organizations can significantly reduce time-to-market, while building vastly more scalable, flexible and modern applications. This is all possible because cloud platforms such as Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services, Google App Engine, and others, enable developers to focus on the business issues by abstracting away many aspects of middleware and infrastructure management and scaling. When you are ready to move your applications into the cloud, we are there to help with full-lifecycle services.

Microsoft Cloud Services

Microsoft offers a flexible set of secure cloud-based IT solutions, including communications, collaboration, data storage, Platform, and infrastructure services, all in the cloud, or with an on-premises mix based on your business needs. Online solutions powered by Microsoft's Azure Platform and Microsoft Office 365 deliver highly reliable enterprise-class business applications and infrastructure that are managed by Microsoft and available on a pay-per-use basis. Microsoft cloud services make greater productivity possible with enterprise applications you already know and assets you have today. Lancord provides support, expertise and additional online applications to enable the successful transformation of your IT and business needs to the Microsoft Cloud Services. Microsoft cloud services lets you focus on your application, not the infrastructure.

Microsoft Office 365

Microsoft Office 365 delivers the industry's most recognized set of productivity and collaboration tools in a cloud-based subscription service. Simply put, cloud-based means 24/7/365 access to data and tools that run over the Internet, across time zones and from virtually any device.

With Microsoft cloud services, everyone can work together easily with anywhere access to email, videoconferencing, documents, calendars, and more. Plus, Office 365 includes enterprise-grade security features or technologies and a financially-backed service level agreement. You can feel confident that you've chosen the best cloud solution... Whether you're a small business or a multinational enterprise, Office 365 offers plans designed to fit your organization's unique needs.

Microsoft Azure Platform

Windows Azure provides developers with on-demand compute, storage, networking and content delivery capabilities to host, scale and manage Web applications on the Internet through Microsoft data centers. Windows Azure serves as the development, service hosting and service management environment for the Windows Azure platform. Windows Azure is now commercially available in 40 countries.

The Windows Azure platform includes a cloud services operating system and a set of developer services, which provide the functionality to build applications that span from consumer Web to enterprise scenarios. Windows Azure and SQL Azure are the key components of the Windows Azure platform.

Windows Azure and SQL Azure enable you to build, host and scale applications in Microsoft datacenters. They require no up-front expenses, no long term commitment, and enable you to pay only for the resources you use.

Amazon Web Services

Lancord leverages the Amazon Web Services platform to help organizations integrate cloud computing into their IT and business strategies. We provide consulting, migration, remote infrastructure management, backup and disaster recovery solutions utilizing the cost effective Elastic Compute Cloud EC2 services.  Our clients achieve economies of scale and rapid deployment through the shared use of cloud computing infrastructure and the use of Amazon Simple Storage Service S3 storage as a network drive for virtually limitless storage.

Google Apps 

Google Apps Premier Edition brings together essential services to help your business communicate and collaborate more effectively. Get more storage per user than the industry average, reduce clutter with effective spam filtering and automatic message threading, and find information instantly with Google-powered email search. Administrators can choose to deploy a mix of the communication and collaboration products as appropriate. Lancord provides installation, training, and support for all services contained in the Google Apps suite of service offerings.

Cloud Based Storage – Online Backup and Archival

As business data continues its relentless growth, traditional approaches to backup and archive may not be efficient or cost-effective to keep up with the complexity of the IT environment. While these solutions may offer simplicity, they can lack the crucial scalability to expand the storage space with flexibility and performance.

To meet these challenges, Lancord’s cloud storage can help you successfully deploy reliable, high-performance, and scalable online storage solutions to facilitate growth and innovation at lower operational costs.

Our cloud storage offerings provide flexible and secure platforms that enable the delivery of storage and archival solutions with varying service levels to meet the cost and access requirements of both small and large enterprise customers.

We deliver business class online storage utilizing private, public and hybrid clouds with both on-premise and cloud based storage vault solutions to fit the needs of businesses of all sizes with robust security, uncompromised availability and great customer service.  Offering the right architecture to suit your storage needs allows for optimum alignment of your data with the cost of protecting it.

Lancord’s cloud storage offerings bring economies of scale to your corporate IT operations, freeing you from the limitations of local storage.  You can store, archive and backup as much as you need with no limits on your storage space and only pay for what you use.  Aside from scalability, reduction in upfront cost and manpower, other compelling reasons for the adoption of Lancord’s comprehensive cloud storage services include:

  • Security –SSL based link encryption and AES-256 data encryption

  • Reliability – Redundant and mirrored datacenters

  • Performance – Compression, de-duplication and bandwidth optimization

  • Regulatory Compliance – SAS70 Type II facilities and other industry compliances

  • Application Support – Native support for Microsoft Exchange, SQL, SharePoint, File Server and more

  • Business Continuity –  Rapid disaster recovery

  • Platform Support – Windows, Linux, MAC

  • Content Type Support - Unstructured data 

  • SaaS Delivery – Web-based access for deployment and provisioning

  • Enhanced management and reporting

  • Coexistence – Optional integration with existing on-premise backup solution as complementary service

  • Rapid Deployment - Optional Data-Shuttle service

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